Base code


In the Development environment chapter we created a Cargo project and added the necessary dependencies. In this chapter we will be replacing the code in the src/ file with the following code:


use anyhow::Result;
use winit::dpi::LogicalSize;
use winit::event::{Event, WindowEvent};
use winit::event_loop::EventLoop;
use winit::window::{Window, WindowBuilder};

fn main() -> Result<()> {

    // Window

    let event_loop = EventLoop::new()?;
    let window = WindowBuilder::new()
        .with_title("Vulkan Tutorial (Rust)")
        .with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(1024, 768))

    // App

    let mut app = unsafe { App::create(&window)? }; |event, elwt| {
        match event {
            // Request a redraw when all events were processed.
            Event::AboutToWait => window.request_redraw(),
            Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event {
                // Render a frame if our Vulkan app is not being destroyed.
                WindowEvent::RedrawRequested if !elwt.exiting() => unsafe { app.render(&window) }.unwrap(),
                // Destroy our Vulkan app.
                WindowEvent::CloseRequested => {
                    unsafe { app.destroy(); }
                _ => {}
            _ => {}


/// Our Vulkan app.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct App {}

impl App {
    /// Creates our Vulkan app.
    unsafe fn create(window: &Window) -> Result<Self> {
        Ok(Self {})

    /// Renders a frame for our Vulkan app.
    unsafe fn render(&mut self, window: &Window) -> Result<()> {

    /// Destroys our Vulkan app.
    unsafe fn destroy(&mut self) {}

/// The Vulkan handles and associated properties used by our Vulkan app.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct AppData {}

We first import anyhow::Result so we can use anyhow's Result type for all of the fallible functions in our program. Next we import all of the winit types we need to create a window and start an event loop for that window.

Next comes our main function (which returns an anyhow::Result type). This function starts by initializing pretty_env_logger which will print our logs to the console (as shown later).

Then we create an event loop and window to render to using winit using LogicalSize which will scale the window according to the DPI of your display. If you want to know more about UI scaling you can read the relevant winit documentation.

Next we create an instance of our Vulkan app (App) and enter into our rendering loop. This loop will continually render our scene to the window until you request the window to be closed at which point the app will be destroyed and the program will exit. The destroying flag is necessary to not keep attempting to render the scene while the app is being destroyed which would most likely result in the program crashing after attempting to access Vulkan resources that have been destroyed.

Lastly comes App and AppData. App will be used to implement the setup, rendering, and destruction logic required for the Vulkan program we will be building over the course of the following chapters. AppData will serve simply as a container for the large number of Vulkan resources we will need to create and initialize which will allow for them to be easily passed to functions to be read and/or modified. AppData implements the Default trait so we can easily construct an instance of this struct with empty/default values.

This will come in handy because many of the following chapters consist of adding a function which takes a &mut AppData and creates and initializes Vulkan resources. These functions will then be called from our App::create constructor method to set up our Vulkan app. Then, before our program exits, these Vulkan resources will be released by our App::destroy method.

A Note on Safety

All Vulkan commands, both the raw commands and their command wrappers, are marked unsafe in vulkanalia. This is because most Vulkan commands have restrictions on how they can be called that cannot be enforced by Rust (unless a higher-level interface that hides the Vulkan API is provided like in vulkano).

This tutorial will be addressing this fact by simply marking every function and method in which a Vulkan command is called as unsafe. This helps keep syntactical noise to a minimum, but in a more realistic program you may want to expose your own safe interface that enforces the invariants required for the Vulkan commands you are calling.

Resource management

Just like each chunk of memory allocated in C with malloc requires a corresponding call to free, every Vulkan object that we create needs to be explicitly destroyed when we no longer need it. In Rust it is possible to perform automatic resource management using RAII possibly combined with smart pointers like Rc or Arc. However, the author of chose to be explicit about allocation and deallocation of Vulkan objects in this tutorial and I have decided to take the same approach. After all, Vulkan's niche is to be explicit about every operation to avoid mistakes, so it's good to be explicit about the lifetime of objects to learn how the API works.

After following this tutorial, you could implement automatic resource management by writing Rust structs that wrap Vulkan objects and release them in their Drop implementation. RAII is the recommended model for larger Vulkan programs, but for learning purposes it's always good to know what's going on behind the scenes.

Vulkan objects are either created directly with commands like create_xxx, or allocated through another object with commands like allocate_xxx. After making sure that an object is no longer used anywhere, you need to destroy it with the counterparts destroy_xxx and free_xxx. The parameters for these commands generally vary for different types of objects, but there is one parameter that they all share: allocator. This is an optional parameter that allows you to specify callbacks for a custom memory allocator. We will ignore this parameter in the tutorial and always pass None as argument.