Command buffers


Commands in Vulkan, like drawing operations and memory transfers, are not executed directly using function calls. You have to record all of the operations you want to perform in command buffer objects. The advantage of this is that all of the hard work of setting up the drawing commands can be done in advance and in multiple threads. After that, you just have to tell Vulkan to execute the commands in the main loop.

Command pools

We have to create a command pool before we can create command buffers. Command pools manage the memory that is used to store the buffers and command buffers are allocated from them. Add a new AppData field to store a vk::CommandPool:

struct AppData {
    // ...
    command_pool: vk::CommandPool,

Then create a new function create_command_pool and call it from App::create after the framebuffers were created.

impl App {
    unsafe fn create(window: &Window) -> Result<Self> {
        // ...
        create_framebuffers(&device, &mut data)?;
        create_command_pool(&instance, &device, &mut data)?;
        // ...

unsafe fn create_command_pool(
    instance: &Instance,
    device: &Device,
    data: &mut AppData,
) -> Result<()> {

Command pool creation only takes two parameters:

let indices = QueueFamilyIndices::get(instance, data, data.physical_device)?;

let info = vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo::builder()
    .flags(vk::CommandPoolCreateFlags::empty()) // Optional.

Command buffers are executed by submitting them on one of the device queues, like the graphics and presentation queues we retrieved. Each command pool can only allocate command buffers that are submitted on a single type of queue. We're going to record commands for drawing, which is why we've chosen the graphics queue family.

There are three possible flags for command pools:

We will only record the command buffers at the beginning of the program and then execute them many times in the main loop and we don't need to protect our triangle with DRM, so we're not going to use any of these flags.

data.command_pool = device.create_command_pool(&info, None)?;

Commands will be used throughout the program to draw things on the screen, so the pool should only be destroyed at the end:

unsafe fn destroy(&mut self) {
    self.device.destroy_command_pool(, None);
    // ...

Command buffer allocation

We can now start allocating command buffers and recording drawing commands in them. Because one of the drawing commands involves binding the right vk::Framebuffer, we'll actually have to record a command buffer for every image in the swapchain once again. To that end, create a list of vk::CommandBuffer objects as an AppData field. Command buffers will be automatically freed when their command pool is destroyed, so we don't need any explicit cleanup.

struct AppData {
    // ...
    command_buffers: Vec<vk::CommandBuffer>,

We'll now start working on a create_command_buffers function that allocates and records the commands for each swapchain image.

impl App {
    unsafe fn create(window: &Window) -> Result<Self> {
        // ...
        create_command_pool(&instance, &device, &mut data)?;
        create_command_buffers(&device, &mut data)?;
        // ...

unsafe fn create_command_buffers(device: &Device, data: &mut AppData) -> Result<()> {

Command buffers are allocated with the allocate_command_buffers function, which takes a vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo struct as parameter that specifies the command pool and number of buffers to allocate:

let allocate_info = vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo::builder()
    .command_buffer_count(data.framebuffers.len() as u32);

data.command_buffers = device.allocate_command_buffers(&allocate_info)?;

The level parameter specifies if the allocated command buffers are primary or secondary command buffers.

We won't make use of the secondary command buffer functionality here, but you can imagine that it's helpful to reuse common operations from primary command buffers.

Starting command buffer recording

We begin recording a command buffer by calling begin_command_buffer with a small vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo structure as argument that specifies some details about the usage of this specific command buffer.

for (i, command_buffer) in data.command_buffers.iter().enumerate() {
    let inheritance = vk::CommandBufferInheritanceInfo::builder();

    let info = vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo::builder()
        .flags(vk::CommandBufferUsageFlags::empty()) // Optional.
        .inheritance_info(&inheritance);             // Optional.

    device.begin_command_buffer(*command_buffer, &info)?;

The flags parameter specifies how we're going to use the command buffer. The following values are available:

None of these flags are applicable for us right now.

The inheritance_info parameter is only relevant for secondary command buffers. It specifies which state to inherit from the calling primary command buffers.

If the command buffer was already recorded once, then a call to begin_command_buffer will implicitly reset it. It's not possible to append commands to a buffer at a later time.

Starting a render pass

Before we can start a render pass we'll need to build some parameters.

let render_area = vk::Rect2D::builder()

Here we define the size of the render area. The render area defines where shader loads and stores will take place during the execution of the render pass. The pixels outside this region will have undefined values. It should match the size of the attachments for best performance.

let color_clear_value = vk::ClearValue {
    color: vk::ClearColorValue {
        float32: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],

Next we define a clear value that will be used to clear the framebuffer at the beginning of the render pass (because we used vk::AttachmentLoadOp::CLEAR when creating the render pass). vk::ClearValue is a union that can be used to set clear values for color attachments or for depth/stencil attachments. Here we are setting the color field with a vk::ClearColorValue union with 4 f32s that define a black clear color with 100% opacity.

Drawing starts by beginning the render pass with cmd_begin_render_pass. The render pass is configured using some parameters in a vk::RenderPassBeginInfo struct.

let clear_values = &[color_clear_value];
let info = vk::RenderPassBeginInfo::builder()

The first parameters are the render pass itself and the attachments to bind. We created a framebuffer for each swapchain image that specifies it as color attachment. Then we provide the previously constructed render area and clear value.

    *command_buffer, &info, vk::SubpassContents::INLINE);

The render pass can now begin. All of the functions that record commands can be recognized by their cmd_ prefix. They all return (), so there is no need for error handling until we've finished recording.

The first parameter for every command is always the command buffer to record the command to. The second parameter specifies the details of the render pass we've just provided. The final parameter controls how the drawing commands within the render pass will be provided. It can have one of two values:

We will not be using secondary command buffers, so we'll go with the first option.

Basic drawing commands

We can now bind the graphics pipeline:

    *command_buffer, vk::PipelineBindPoint::GRAPHICS, data.pipeline);

The second parameter specifies if the pipeline object is a graphics or compute pipeline. We've now told Vulkan which operations to execute in the graphics pipeline and which attachment to use in the fragment shader, so all that remains is telling it to draw the triangle:

device.cmd_draw(*command_buffer, 3, 1, 0, 0);

The actual drawing function is a bit anticlimactic, but it's so simple because of all the information we specified in advance. It has the following parameters, aside from the command buffer:

  • vertex_count – Even though we don't have a vertex buffer, we technically still have 3 vertices to draw.
  • instance_count – Used for instanced rendering, use 1 if you're not doing that.
  • first_vertex – Used as an offset into the vertex buffer, defines the lowest value of gl_VertexIndex.
  • first_instance – Used as an offset for instanced rendering, defines the lowest value of gl_InstanceIndex.

Finishing up

The render pass can now be ended:


And we've finished recording the command buffer:


In the next chapter we'll write the code for the main loop, which will acquire an image from the swapchain, execute the right command buffer and return the finished image to the swapchain.