

We've talked a lot about framebuffers in the past few chapters and we've set up the render pass to expect a single framebuffer with the same format as the swapchain images, but we haven't actually created any yet.

The attachments specified during render pass creation are bound by wrapping them into a vk::Framebuffer object. A framebuffer object references all of the vk::ImageView objects that represent the attachments. In our case that will be only a single one: the color attachment. However, the image that we have to use for the attachment depends on which image the swapchain returns when we retrieve one for presentation. That means that we have to create a framebuffer for all of the images in the swapchain and use the one that corresponds to the retrieved image at drawing time.

To that end, create another Vec field in AppData to hold the framebuffers:

struct AppData {
    // ...
    framebuffers: Vec<vk::Framebuffer>,

We'll create the objects for this array in a new function create_framebuffers that is called from App::create right after creating the graphics pipeline:

impl App {
    unsafe fn create(window: &Window) -> Result<Self> {
        // ...
        create_pipeline(&device, &mut data)?;
        create_framebuffers(&device, &mut data)?;
        // ...

unsafe fn create_framebuffers(device: &Device, data: &mut AppData) -> Result<()> {

Start by mapping over the swapchain image views:

unsafe fn create_framebuffers(device: &Device, data: &mut AppData) -> Result<()> {
    data.framebuffers = data
        .map(|i| {

        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;


We'll then create a framebuffer for each image view:

let attachments = &[*i];
let create_info = vk::FramebufferCreateInfo::builder()

device.create_framebuffer(&create_info, None)

As you can see, creation of framebuffers is quite straightforward. We first need to specify with which render_pass the framebuffer needs to be compatible. You can only use a framebuffer with the render passes that it is compatible with, which roughly means that they use the same number and type of attachments.

The attachments field specifies the vk::ImageView objects that should be bound to the respective attachment descriptions in the render pass attachment array.

The width and height parameters are self-explanatory and layers refers to the number of layers in image arrays. Our swapchain images are single images, so the number of layers is 1.

We should delete the framebuffers before the image views and render pass that they are based on, but only after we've finished rendering:

unsafe fn destroy(&mut self) {
        .for_each(|f| self.device.destroy_framebuffer(*f, None));
    // ...

We've now reached the milestone where we have all of the objects that are required for rendering. In the next chapter we're going to write the first actual drawing commands.